Economics and related dictionaries: commercial dictionaries

Publ. year, 1st vol. Publ. year, last vol. Compilers Title Publisher Edition Description
Savary Des Bruslons, Jacques Dictionnaire universel de commerce, contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce qui se fait dans les quatre parties du monde, par terre, par mer, de proche en proche, et par des voyages de long cours, tant en gros qu'en dètail. Ouvrage posthume du Sieur Jacques Savary Des Bruslons,... Continué sur les Memoires de l'auteur, et donné au public par M. Philemon Louis Savary,... Paris: Chez J.Etienne. 1st 2 voll. + supplement
vol. 1: XXVIII p.-2002 col ; fol (39 cm)
vol. 2 p., 1955 col ; fol (39 cm)
Savary des Bruslons, Jacques. Auteur; Savary, Philémon-Louis. éditeur scientifique Dictionnaire universel de commerce: contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce qui se fait dans les quatre parties du monde, par terre, par mer, de proche en proche, & par des voyages de long cours, tant en gros qu en d etail: l explication de tous les termes qui ont rapport au négoce... les édits, déclarations, ordonnances, arrests, et reglemens donnés en matière de commerce / ouvrage posthume du sieur Jacques Savary des Bruslons...; continué sur les mémoires de l auteur, et donné au public par M. Philemon-Louis Savary... Paris : chez la veuve Estienne, 1741 2nd 3 vol., [8]-XVIII-1139 p.; [4] p., 1772 col.; [4] p.-1316-684 col. ; 2
Savary Des Bruslons, Jacques (1657-1716); Philémon Louis Savary (1654-1727) Dictionnaire universel de commerce : contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce qui se fait dans les quatre parties du monde ... Ouvrage posthume du Sieur Jacques Savary Des Bruslons ... Continué sur les mémoires de l'auteur, et donné au public par M. Philémon Louis Savary A Geneve, chez les héritiers Cramer & Freres Philibert. M.DCC.XLIII, 1742 2nd 3 vol. ([1-1bl.-1-1bl.-2]-XLI p.-[3], 1236 col. ; [1-1bl.-1-1bl.] p., 1588 col. ; [1-1bl.-1-1bl.] p., 1280 col.-31 p.) : gr.s.c. ; in-fol.
1751 1755 Postlethwayt M. Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, translated from the French of the celebrated Monsieur Savary, inspector general of the manufactures for the King, at the Custom-house of Paris: with large Additions and Improvements, Incorporated throughout the Whole Works; which more particularly accommodate the fame to the Trade and Navigation of these Kingdoms, and the Laws, Customs, and Usage, to which all Traders are subject J.&P. Knapton, London 1st 2 v. front., 24 fold. maps, 26 fold. tab. 42 cm
1752 1756 Ludovici, Carl Günther *1707-1778*
Eröffnete Akademie der Kaufleute, oder vollständiges Kaufmanns-Lexicon : woraus sämmtliche Handlungen und Gewerbe, mit allen ihren Vortheilen, und der Art, sie zu treiben, erlernet werden können; und worinnen alle Seehäfen, die vornehmsten Städte und Handelsplätze; alle Arten der rohen und verarbeiteten Waaren; die Künstler, Fabrikanten und Handwerksleute; Commerciencollegia, Handelsgerichte, Banken, Börsen, Leihhäuser, Manufacturen, Fabriken und Werkstätte; die Rechte und Privilegien der Kaufmannschaft, u.s.w. beschrieben und erkläret werden / Mit vielem Fleiße aus den besten Schriftstellern zusammengetragen von Carl Günther Ludovici, ordentlichem Professorn der Vernunftlehre auf der Hohen Schule zu Leipzig, derselben Archivarius, ... Leipzig : Breitkopf 1752-1756 1st 5 v ; 22 cm
Rolt R. A new dictionary of trade and commerce, compiled from the information of the most eminent merchants, and from the works of the best writers on commercial subjects, in all languages ... T. Osborne and J. Shipton, London. 1st [908] p.
Postlethwayt M. Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, translated from the French of the celebrated Monsieur Savary, inspector general of the manufactures for the King, at the Custom-house of Paris: with large Additions and Improvements, Incorporated throughout the Whole Works; which more particularly accommodate the fame to the Trade and Navigation of these Kingdoms, and the Laws, Customs, and Usage, to which all Traders are subject J.&P. Knapton, London 2nd 2 v. illus., fold. maps, tables. 42 cm.
1759 1765 Savary Des Bruslons, Jacques (1657-1716); Philémon Louis Savary (1654-1727) Dictionnaire universel de commerce, d histoire naturelle, & des arts & metiers: contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce qui se fait dans des quatre parties du monde... l explication de tous les termes qui ont rapport au negoce... les édits, déclarations, ordonnances, arrêts, et reglemens donnés en matière de commerce / ouvrage posthume du Sieur Jaques Savary des Bruslons... continué sur les memoires de l auteur, et donné au public par M. Philemon-Louis Savary Copenhague : les frères C. et A. Philibert, 1759-1765 4th 5 vol. ; In-fol.
Lacombe de Prézel, Honoré (b. 1725) Dictionnaire du citoyen, ou Abrégé nistorique, théorique et pratique du commerce Paris, Chez Grangé [etc.], 1761
2 vol.
Rolt, Richard A new dictionary of trade and commerce : compiled from the information of the most eminent merchants, and from the works of the best writers on commercial subjects, in all languages. Containing, among other Things, I. An Account of all the natural Productions, which are conducive to Trade, throughout the World. II. The different Manufactures established in each particular Country. III. Explanations of all the Terms used in Commerce. IV. Explanations of the principal Terms of Geography, Astronomy, and Navigation, so far as they are connected with Trade. V. An exact Account of the Coins, Weights, and Measures in use throughout the World, reduced to the English Standard. VI. A Description of the Established Banks, Trading Companies, and Staple Commodities, of different Countries. Vii. The State of the British Trade, National Debt, Funds, Customs, Excise, and other Taxes. Viii. The Laws relative to Trade and Commerce. For the Use of the Merchants and Tradesmen of Great Britain, as well as of private Gentlemen. By Mr. Rolt, with the assistance of several eminent merchants T. Osborne and J. Shipton, London. 2nd 2 voll.
1766 1767 Mortimer T. A new and complete dictionary of trade and commerce: containing a distinct explanation of the general principles of commerce, an accurate definition of its terms, an ample illustration of the laws and customs of all commercial states ... a particular description of the different productions of art and nature, which are the basis and support of commerce : particularly distinguishing the growth, product, and manufactures of Great Britain and its colonies ... also observations on the present state of our foreign commerce / by Thomas Mortimer. London : Printed for the author, and sold by S. Crowder, and J. Coote, and J. Fletcher, 1766. 1st [2 vol], [1006] p : ill., maps (some folded), plans
Postlethwayt M. Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, translated from the French of the celebrated Monsieur Savary, inspector general of the manufactures for the King, at the Custom-house of Paris: with large Additions and Improvements, Incorporated throughout the Whole Works; which more particularly accommodate the fame to the Trade and Navigation of these Kingdoms, and the Laws, Customs, and Usage, to which all Traders are subject London : Printed for W. Strahan, J. and F. Rivington, J. Hinton [etc.], 1774. 3rd 2 v. front., 24 fold. maps, diagrs. 41 cm.
1767 1768 Ludovici, Carl Günther *1707-1778*
Eröffnete Akademie der Kaufleute, oder vollständiges Kaufmanns-Lexicon : woraus sämmtliche Handlungen und Gewerbe, mit allen ihren Vortheilen, und der Art, sie zu treiben, erlernet werden können; und worinnen alle Seehäfen, die vornehmsten Städte und Handelsplätze; alle Arten der rohen und verarbeiteten Waaren; die Künstler, Fabrikanten und Handwerksleute; Commerciencollegia, Handelsgerichte, Banken, Börsen, Leihhäuser, Manufacturen, Fabriken und Werkstätte; die Rechte und Privilegien der Kaufmannschaft, u.s.w. beschrieben und erkläret werden / Mit vielem Fleiße aus den besten Schriftstellern zusammengetragen von Carl Günther Ludovici, ordentlichem Professorn der Vernunftlehre auf der Hohen Schule zu Leipzig, derselben Archivarius, ... Leipzig : Breitkopf 1767-1768 2nd
Morellet, André (1727-1819). Auteur Prospectus d'un nouveau dictionnaire de commerce / par M. l'Abbé Morellet Paris : Frères Estienne, 1769 (reprinted: München : Kraus Reprint, 1980)
VIII-381 p. ; 22 cm
Postlethwayt M. Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, translated from the French of the celebrated Monsieur Savary, inspector general of the manufactures for the King, at the Custom-house of Paris: with large Additions and Improvements, Incorporated throughout the Whole Works; which more particularly accommodate the fame to the Trade and Navigation of these Kingdoms, and the Laws, Customs, and Usage, to which all Traders are subject J.&P. Knapton, London 4th
1783 1784 Baudeau, Nicolas (1730-1792). Encyclopédie méthodique: Commerce A Paris, chez Panckoucke,... A Liège, chez Plomteux,...M.DCC.LXXXIII-[M.DCC.LXXXIV], 1783 1st 3 vol.(xxx,[2],766 p.)([1,1bl.,1,1bl.],798 p.)([1,1bl.,1,1bl.],831,[1bl.],xvi p.) : cul-de-lampe, tabl. dépl. ; In-4 (26 cm)
1786 1830 Schütz, M. C. v. (Edited by Schütz (parts 1 11), J. L. Graßmann (parts 12 21) and F. J. Flörke and H. G. Flörke (parts 22 34)). Auszug aus des J. G. Krünitz ökonomisch-technologischer Encyklopädie, oder allgemeinen System der Staats-, Stadt-, Haus- und Land-Wirthschaft, und der Kunst-Geschichte Berlin: Pauli 1st 34 vol., approximately 25,000 pp. in all
1797 1801 Schedel, Johann C. (Ludovici, Carl G.) Neu eröfnete Academie der Kaufleute, oder encyclopädisches Kaufmannslexicon alles Wissenswerthen und Gemeinnützigen in den weiten Gebieten der Handlungswissenschaft und Handelskunde überhaupt ... Leipzig: Breitkopf u. Härtel 3rd Erschienen: Teil 1 - 6., 8°
1798 1799 Peuchet, J. (Jacques) (1758-1830) Dictionnaire universel de la géographie commerçante, contenant tout ce qui a raport à la situation et à l étendue de chaque état commerçant; aux productions de l agriculture, et au commerce qui s en fait; aux manufactures, pêches, mines, et au commerce qui se fait de leurs produits; aux lois, usages, tribunaux et administrations du commerce Paris: Blanchon, [1799] 1st 5 volumes il 4°, about 4,000 pages
Montefiore, Joshua A commercial dictionary: containing the present state of mercantile law, practice and custom Philadelphia: Humphreys 1st . 3 vols. (559+486+ ?)
une société de négocians, de jurisconsultes, et de personnes employées dans l'administration [Buisson] Dictionnaire universel de commerce, Banque, manufactures, douanes, pêche, navigation marchande ; Des lois et administration du commerce : Auquel on a joint l'Explication des changes, monnaies, poids et mesures... Terminé par une nomenclature en douze langues, des marchandises qui entrent dans le commerce.. / par une société de négocians, de jurisconsultes, et de personnes employées dans l'administration.Dédié à la Banque de France. 2, M¤ et la nomenclature Paris : chez F. Buisson : A. Bailleul : L. Fantin : Lenorman, an XIII = 1805 1st 1091 p. ; in 4
[CROSBY, Benjamin, AND CO]. (a London merchant) Crosby s merchant s and tradesman s pocket dictionary, adapted to merchants, manufacturers, and traders in all the various branches of commercial intercourse. By a London Merchant, assisted by several experienced tradesmen London: Crosby 1st 507 pp.
[CROSBY, Benjamin, AND CO]. (a London merchant) Crosby s merchant s and tradesman s pocket dictionary, adapted to merchants, manufacturers, and traders in all the various branches of commercial intercourse. By a London Merchant, assisted by several experienced tradesmen London: Crosby 2nd 622 pp.
Mortimer Thomas, Vice-Consul for the Austrian Netherlands, , 1730-1810. A General Dictionary of Commerce, Trade and Manufactures; exhibiting their present state in every part of the world; and carefully compiled from the latest and best authorities London: Printed for Richard Phillips, 1810. 1st 8º.[1220] p. 22 cm.
Anderson, William, of London The London commercial dictionary, and sea-port gazetteer, exhibiting a clear view of the commerce and manufactures of all nations; and their several products ... the various monies, weights, and measures, and the proportions of each to those of England; all the shipping and navigation laws. To which is added, an appendix, containing tables of all the export, import, coastwise duties and drawbacks, excise duties, bounties, &c London, Printed for E. Wilson, 1819 1st vii, 848, 72 p., [1] leaf of plates : plan ; 21 cm
Mortimer, Thomas, 1730-1810.
A general commercial dictionary : comprehending trade, manufactures, and navigation; as also agriculture, so far as it is connected with commerce; with brief abstracts of the laws relating to the regulation and protection of trade and tradesmen / By Thomas Mortimer ... with considerable alterations and additions by William Dickinson. London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, 1819. 2nd viii, 1155, [1] p ; 22 cm.
Mortimer; Thomas; and Dickinson, William A general commercial dictionary comprehending trade, manufactures, and navigation, as also agriculture, so far as it is connected with commerce : with brief abstracts of the laws relating to the regulation and protection of trade and tradesmen, exhibiting their present state, and their connection in these kingdoms with those of other parts of the world : partly from authentic sources, and partly compiled from the best authorities/ by Thomas Mortimer ; with considerable alterations and additions, by William Dickinson. London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, 1823 3rd viii, 1155, [1] p
1832 1839 McCulloch, John Ramsay A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. Illustrated with maps. (Appendix.-Supplement. October 1834, October 1835, January 1839.). London, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, & Longman, 1832-39. 1st xi, [1], 1143, [1] p. 1 illus., 5 fold. maps (inc. front.) 23 cm.
1833 1834 Canga Argüelles, José Diccionario de hacienda, con aplicación a España Madrid : Imprenta de Don Marcelino Calero Y Portocarrero, 1833 2nd T. I : [A-I]. -- V, 651, X p
T. II : [J-M]. -- 659 p.
Macardy, Joseph The commercial cyclopaedia : or, Dictionary of practical commerce. Comprehending details of trade; a succinct description of articles of produce and manufacture; an account of monies and exchanges; the situation, extent, and commercial character of countries, &c., &c. by Joseph Macardy. Manchester : Printed and published by J. Macardy & co, 1833
xvi, [570] p
1834 1835 (?) McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay) A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation- 2d ed., corrected throughout and greatly enlarged London: Longmans 2nd 2 v. (xv, 1269 p.) maps (part fold.; incl. front.) 22 cm.
1836 1841 [Comptoir] Conversations-Lexicon der kaufmännischen Wissenschaften. eine vollständige Handlungs-Encyclopädie für Banquiers, Kaufleute, Fabrikanten, Droguisten, Sensale und Geschäftsleute jeder Art Grimma: Verl.-Comptoir 1st 8°. Erschienen: 1 - 5
1836 1841 [Schumann and Weber] Allgemeine vollständige Handlungs-Encyclopädie oder Conversations-Lexicon aller kaufmännischen Wissenschaften : Für Banquiers, Kaufleute, Fabrikanten . Gera ; Ronneburg ; Grimma : Schumann u. Weber ; Gera ; Ronneburg ; Grimma : Verl. - Compt, 1836-1841 1st 5 volumes
1837 1839 Guillaumin , Editeur commercial Encyclopédie du commerçant. Dictionnaire du Commerce et des marchandises Paris : Guillaumin , 1837, 1839
1st 2 vol., 996 p., 997 Ã 2252 p. , 18 x 27 cm
McCulloch, J[ohn] R[amsay], 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation ... London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1838. 2nd xvi, 1269, 118 p. illus. (maps) 6 fold. maps. 23 cm.
1838 1841 Monbrion (17..-18..). Directeur de la publication Dictionnaire universel du commerce, de la banque et des manufactures : contenant l'état actuel du commerce et de l'industrie de toutes les nations commerçantes et des principales villes de commerce dans toutes les parties du monde : les importations, exportations, les produits naturels et industriels de chaque pays, les qualités des principales marchandises, les fraudes qui se commettent dans leur vente : les lois et règlemens concernant la navigation et les usages dela banque et du commerce, les assurances maritimes, les sociétés de commerce, les commissions, les poids, mesures et monnaies de tous les pays, les principales banques de l'Europe, les usances de chaque place, le tableau des principales foires, les nouvelles modifications des tarifs des douanes de plusieurs Etats : un extrait des articles les plus intéressans de la dernière enquête sur les manufactures de France : la jurisprudence commerciale ; les faillites, les banqueroutes, etc. : le tout d'après des documens authentiques et officiels / par une Société de négocians et de manufacturiers ; sous la direction de M. Monbrion. Tome premier[-second] Paris : Chez Pillet ainé : Renard, 1838-1841 2nd 2 t. ([1-1bl.-1-1bl.]-IV-956 ; [1-1bl.-1-1bl.]-1000 p.) ; in-4
1839 1843 [Antonelli] Enciclopedia del negoziante ossia Gran dizionario del commercio, dell'industria, del banco e delle manifatture ... compreso un indice alfabetico generale e ragionato di tutti i manifattori e fabbricatori d'Italia in ogni genere / compilata per cura di vari negozianti e industriosi italiani Venezia : Co' tipi dell'ed. Giuseppe Antonelli 1st 7 vol.
1839 1840 Boy J. Diccionario teórico, práctico, histórico y geográfico de comercio publicado bajo los auspicios de la Junta de comercio de Barcelona Imprenta de Valentín Torras, Barcelona.
4 vols
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation: illustrated with maps and plans. By J. R. McCulloch, esq. London, Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1839. 3rd xvi, 1269, [1], 136 p. fold. front., illus., fold. maps, fold. plan. 23 cm.
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864 A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation / by J.R. McCulloch. London : Longman, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1840. 4th xvi,1269,152,16p, maps ; 23cm.
1840 1841 McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical of commerce and commercial navigation. By J. R. McCulloch ... Ed. by Henry Vethake. Philadelphia, T. Wardle, 1840. 1st 2 v. illus., maps 25 cm.
(of which Supplement: p. 765-803.
Original: 803 p. : maps ; 25 cm.)
Guillaumin, M. (Gilbert-Urbain), 1801-1864, ed.
Encyclopédie du commerçant. Dictionnaire du commerce et des marchandises par Messieurs Andraud. Blanqui. Pub. sous la direction de m. Guillaumin. Paris, Guillaumin et cie, 1841. 2nd 2 v. 2 pl., 5 maps. 28 cm..
2 vol. ([1-1bl.-1-1bl.]-996 p., [1] f. de pl. dépl., [1] f. de pl. ; [1-1bl.1-1bl.] p., p. 997-2252, [2] f. de pl. dépl., [1] f. de pl.) ; in-4
McCulloch, John Ramsey Universal-Lexikon für kaufleute und Fabrikanten, oder, Vollständiges Handbuch des Handels-, Fabrik- und Manufakturwesens, der Münz-, Maass-, Gewicht- und Waarenkund, der Schiffahrt, Wechsel- und Bankgeschäfte, und der Handelsgeographie und Statistik, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf National-Oekonomie und Finanzen / von J.R. Mac Culloch Augsburg : v. Jenisch & Stage'sche Buchh, 1842
2 v ; 22 cm
Waterston, William A cyclopædia of commerce, mercantile law, finance, and commercial geography. / The law articles contributed by John Hill Burton Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd: Edinburgh, 1843. 1st 693pp.
1844 1846 McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation ... London, 1844-1846.
2 pt. in 1 ; 8vo.
Dietrich, Fr. Encyclopädie der Handlungswissenschaften : oder gedrängter Unterricht dür Handlungslehrlinge und Commis zur Erlernung der kaufmännischen Wissenschaften; nebst gründlicher Anleitung in kurzer Zeit eine schöne, geläufige und feste kaufmänn. Handschrift zu erlernen; durch 4 Mustervorschriften erläutert Leipzig : Voigt u. Fernau, 1845 1st
1845 1846 [Martínez and Aguilar] Diccionario universal del comercio, de la banca, de las manufacturas y de las mercaderías Imprenta y librería de Martínez y de Aguilar, Málaga
2 vols
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. By J. R. McCulloch, esq., ed. by Henry Vethake. Philadelphia, T. Wardle, 1845.
2 v. illus. 24 cm.
1846 1848 [Comptoir] Conversations-Lexicon der kaufmännischen Wissenschaften. eine vollständige Handlungs-Encyclopädie für Banquiers, Kaufleute, Fabrikanten, Droguisten, Sensale und Geschäftsleute jeder Art Grimma: Verl.-Comptoir 2nd 8°. Erschienen: 1 - 5
Waterston, William A cyclopædia of Commerce, Mercantile Law, Finance, Commercial Geography and Navigation: by William Waterston ... New edition, containing the present tariff, and an essay on commerce [by J. R. M Culloch]. H. G. Bohn: London, 1847. 2nd pp. iv. 128. 684. 39. 2. 8º.
[Monbrion] (Par une société de négociants et de manufacturiers sous la direction de M. Montibrion) Dictionnaire universel du commerce, de la banque et des manufactures ... Paris : A. Delahays, 1848 3rd 2 vol. ; 4to
Mantilla J. Diccionario de comercio, industria y navegación Imprenta del Colegio de Sordo-mudos, Madrid.

[Antonelli] Enciclopedia del negoziante ossia Gran dizionario del commercio, dell'industria, del banco e delle manifatture ... compreso un indice alfabetico generale e ragionato di tutti i manifattori e fabbricatori d'Italia in ogni genere / compilata per cura di vari negozianti e industriosi italiani Venezia : Co' tipi dell'ed. Giuseppe Antonelli 2nd 6 v. ; 26 cm
McCulloch, John Ramsay, 1789-1864. Dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation: illustrated with maps and plans / by J.R. McCulloch. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1850. 6th 3 p. l., [v]-vi, [ix]-xxiii, [1], 1501, [1] p. incl. illus., tables. 11 fold. maps (incl. front.) fold. plan. 23 cm.
Dodd, George, 1808-1881. Knight, Charles, 1791-1873,
Knight's cyclopædia of the industry of all nations : 1851.
London : C. Knight, [1851]

l p. l., xxiv, 1806 col., 1807-1810 p. : front., 36 pl. ;
22 cm.
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. By J. R. M Culloch, esq. Ed. by Henry Vethake. With an appendix, containing the new tariff of 1846, together with the tariff of 1842 ... also, the sub-treasury, warehousing, and the Canadian transit bills, of 1846. Likewise, the new British tariff. Philadelphia, A. Hart, 1851.
2 v. illus. (maps) 23.5 cm.
Fort, Ludwig Neuestes Universal-Lexicon der gesammten Kaufmännischen Wissenschaften
Untertitel für Kaufleute, Fabrikanten u. überhaupt jeden Geschäftsmann
Leipzig : Arnoldi 1st
Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain (1801-1864). Directeur de la publication Encyclopédie du commerçant : dictionnaire du commerce et des marchandises: contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce de terre et de mer / par Andraud,...Blaise,...Blanqui,...[et al.] ; publié sous la direction de M. Guillaumin Paris : Victor Lecou, 1852
2 vol. (996 p.-[1] f. de pl. dépl.], p. 998-2252) : ill. ; 27 cm
McCulloch, J. R. A dictionary practical theoretical and historical of commerce and commercial navigation [S.l.] : Longman Brown and Green, 1852. 5th p. l., [iii]-xxiii 1510 p. 7 fold. maps. 23 cm
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsey), 1789-1864.; edited by Henry Vethake. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation Philadelphia : A. Hart, 1852 [i.e. 1853]
2 vol, 24 cm
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation / by J. R. McCulloch. London : Longmans, Brown, Green, & Longmans, 1854. 6th 1484 p. : maps, charts ;
Granges, Edmond de. éditeur scientifique [Takes over from Guillaumin, whose name is no longer cited as author] Encyclopédie du commerçant. Dictionnaire du commerce et des marchandises: contenant tout ce qui concerne le commerce de terre et de mer / par Messieurs Blanqui aîné..., G. Bontemps..., Jules Burat..., A. Chevallier... [et al.]. - Nouv. éd. augm Paris: L. Hachette : Guillaumin, 1855 3rd 2 vol., 2252-22 p., [8] f. de pl. dont [5] dépl. ; 27 cm
McCulloch, J. R. A Dictionary practical theoretical and historical of commerce and commercial navigation [S.l.] : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1856.

1856 1859 Morel, Auguste-Laurent (ancien consul) Encyclopédie commerciale-maritime, ou Dictionnaire universel de commerce et de géographie maritimes Paris : l'auteur, 1856-1859
3 vol. in-8
Fort, L. Neuestes Universal-Lexicon der gesammten kaufmännischen Wissenschaften Leipzig, 1867 3rd 2 Bde.
Fort, Ludwig Neuestes Universal-Lexikon der gesamten kaufmännischen Wissenschaften : Für Kaufleute, Fabrikanten ... Im Verein m. mehr. Gelehrten u. prakt. Kaufleuten / hrsg. v. Ludwig Fort, Lehr. der Handelswiss. zu Leipzig Leipzig : Arnoldi, 1857 3rd 8" Bd 1-4
Homans, J. Smith, and Homans, J. Smith Jr. A Cyclopedia of Commerce and commercial navigation New York: Harper & Brothers 1st vi, 2007 p. illus. (incl. plans) II fold. charts. 25 cm.
1859 1861 Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain -1801-1864 (Editeur scientifique) Dictionnaire universel, théorique et pratique du commerce et de la navigation, marchandises : produits naturels et produits fabriqués... Géographie commerciale : état, nature et mouvement du commerce de chaque place... Droit commercial terrestre et maritime... Navigation... Marine marchande... Douanes... Economie politique appliquée Paris, Libr. de Guillaumin et Cie : 1859-1861 1st 2 t. (VIII-1438 p. ; 1828 p.) -tabl. -25 cm. Le t. 1 va de Aalbourg à Gypse, le t. 2 de Haarlem à Zurich et contient un Supplément qui fait connaître les modifications apportées à la législation douanière.
Homans, I. Smith (Isaac Smith), 1807-1874.and by J. Smith Homans, jr. A cyclopedia of commerce and commercial navigation With maps and engravings. New York : Harper & brothers, 1859. 2nd 2 v. : fold. front., illus. (incl. plans) fold. charts. ; 251/2 cm.
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation illustrated with maps and plans by J.R. McCulloch. London, Longman, Green, Longman and Roberts, 1859.
2 p. l., [vii]-xx, 1483, [1] p. illus. (maps) and atlas of 7 fold. maps. 23 cm.
Guillaumin, Gilbert Urbain, 1801-1864, [from old catalog] ed. Dictionnaire universel théorique et pratique du commerce et de la navigation ... Paris, Guillaumin et cie, 1863. 2nd 2 v. 25 cm.
Simmonds, P. L. (Peter Lund), 1814-1897. A cyclopædia of commerce, mercantile law, finance, and commercial geography London: H. G. Bohn, 1863. 3rd v, 672, 328 p ; 8vo.
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsey), 1789-1864. / edited by Hugh G. Reid. A dictionary practical, theoretical, and historical of commerce and commercial navigation; with a biographical notice by the editor. London : Longmans, Green, 1869. 7th xxiv, 1558 p. : folded maps ; 23 cm.
McCulloch, J. R. (ed. by H. G. Reid) A Dictionary Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. London: Green
xxxiv, 1558, 16, 18 p : front. (map), maps, tables ; 9 in.
McCulloch, John Ramsay, 1789-1864. A dictionary, practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. London, Longmans, Green, 1875.
xxxiv, 1558, 123 p. maps (part fold.) 24 cm.
Spamer, Otto Otto Spamer s illustriertes Handels-Lexikon : praktisches Hülfs- und Nachschlagebuch über alle Gegenstände und Verhältnisse des Handels und Weltverkehrs Leipzig : Otto Spamer, 1876-
4 Bände : Abb., Tafeln ; 8 ; Band 1 : A - B; Band 2 : C - H; Band 3 : J - Q; Band 4 : R - Z
McCulloch, J. R. (John Ramsay), 1789-1864 edited by Reid, Hugh G. A dictionary practical, theoretical, and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation / by the late J.R. McCulloch... with a biographical notice by the editor.[ Third supplement to M'Culloch's dictionary of commerce and commercial navigation. ] London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1880
103p : tables ; 23cm (8vo).
McCulloch, John Ramsay A dictionary, practical, theoretical and historical of commerce and commercial navigation / John Ramsay McCulloch ; ...latest edition, with a supplement containing the most recent information by A. J. Wilson. London : Longmans, Green
viii, 1558, 261 p. : front. (map), maps, tables ; 9 in.
Torrents y Monner A. La enciclopedia comercial Mariano Solá Sagalés, Barcelona
3 vols.
Slater, John Arthur Pitman's Business Man's Guide.; a handbook for all engaged in business. London : Pitman 4th 5 p.l., 7-486 p., 1 l. 19 cm.
Slater, John Arthur Pitman's Business Man's Guide.; a handbook for all engaged in business. London : Pitman 5th 8vo
Schirmer, Alfred Wörterbuch der deutschen Kaufmannssprache auf geschichtlichen Grundlagen Strassburg, Trübner, 1911 (reprinted: Berlin, de Gruyter 1991)
IL, 224 S.
Bessa A. Enciclopédia do comerciante e do industrial Livraria Central de Gomes Carvalho, Lisboa.
XV, 690 p. ; 19 cm
1912 1913 Slater, J.A. Pitman's commercial encyclopædia and dictionary of business : a reliable and comprehensive work of reference on all commercial subjects, specially designed and written for the busy merchant, the commercial student and the modern man of affairs. / Edited by J.A. Slater ... assisted by upwards of fifty specialists as contributors with numerous maps, illustrations, facsimile, business forms and legal documents, diagrams, etc. London ; New York [etc.] : Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd, [1912-13] 1st 4 v : illus., maps, tables, diagrs., forms ; 27 cm.
Slater, John Arthur Pitman's Business Man's Guide.; a handbook for all engaged in business. London : Pitman 6th 8vo
Slater, John Arthur Pitman's Business Man's Guide.; a handbook for all engaged in business. London : Pitman 7th 8vo
Slater, John Arthur. Pitman s Business Man s Encyclopaedia and Dictionary of Commerce
2nd 4 vol. pp. viii. iv. iv. iv. 1789.
Slater, John Arthur Pitman's Business Man's Guide.; a handbook for all engaged in business. London : Pitman 8th 8vo
1925 1927 Bott, Karl Handwörterbuch des Kaufmanns : Lexikon für Handel und Industrie Hamburg : Hanseatische Verlangsanhalt
5 vols. : plates, ill., maps, diags., plans, tables ; 10 in.
[PITMAN, Isaac, Sir, AND SONS.] Pitman s Business Man s Guide. A comprehensive dictionary of commercial information. London, New York [etc.] Sir I. Pitman & sons, ltd 9th pp. v. 539. 8º.
[PITMAN, Isaac, Sir, AND SONS.] Pitman s Business Man s Guide. A comprehensive dictionary of commercial information.
10th 8º.
494 p. : il. ; 23 cm
Greener, Michael, 1931-
The Penguin dictionary of commerce. Harmondsworth, 1970.

Hinkelman, Edward G., 1947- Dictionary of international trade : 4,071 international trade, economic, banking, legal & shipping terms San Rafael, Calif. : World Trade Press, c1994.
279 p. : maps ; 23 cm.