Roy Harrod
Gallery of portraits
Harrod home page
Harrod, Interwar papers and correspondence (online edition)
Harrod and Keynes on method
My own writings on Harrodian themes:
The Interwar Papers and Correspondence of Roy Harrod, edited by Daniele Besomi, 3 volumes: Cheltenham: Elgar, 2003.
The Making of Harrod's Dynamics , London: Macmillan, 1999
"A note on Textual editing: A Rejoinder to Young", Journal of the History of Economic Thought. 2006
"Roy Harrod and Joan Robinson on Thriftiness and Growth. An Introduction to their Correspondence, 1965-1970", History of Economics Review 2006
(Editing of) R. F. Harrod and J. V. Robinson, "Correspondence on growth theory, 1965-70", History of Economics Review 2006.
"Harrod's discontent whith Harrodian growth theory", in R. Leeson (ed.), The Keynesian Tradition. Archival insight into the evolution of the economics, London: Palgrave, 2008, pp. 65-98.
"The goodwilling outsider. The correspondence between Keynes and Harrod", in M. C. Marcuzzo and A. Rosselli, eds., Economists in Cambridge. A Study of their Correspondence, London: Routledge, 2005.
"The Keynesian tutor. Kahn and the correspondence with Sraffa, Harrod and Kaldor" (with M.C. Marcuzzo as main author, and F. Ranchetti), in M. C. Marcuzzo and A. Rosselli, eds., Economists in Cambridge. A Study of their Correspondence, London: Routledge, 2005.
"The unlooked for proselytiser. J. Robinson and the correspondence with Sraffa, Harrod and Kaldor" (with A. Rosselli as main author), in M. C. Marcuzzo and A. Rosselli, eds., Economists in Cambridge. A Study of their Correspondence, London: Routledge, 2005.
"Dynamics, trade and money in the correspondence between Roy Harrod and Dennis Robertson". Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, 2004.
"Harrod's Dynamics in the Making" [Jérôme-Adolphe Blanqui lecture, ESHETconference, Darmstadt 2001], in I. Barens, V. Caspari and B. Schefold (eds), Political Events and Economic Ideas, Cheltenham (UK) and Northampton (USA): Elgar, 2004.
"The Papers of Roy Harrod", History of Economics Review (2003)
"Harrod, Hansen and Samuelson on the Multiplier-Acceleration Model. A Further Note", History of Political Economy, 2003.
"Loewe's and Hayek's influence on Harrod's trade cycle theory", European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 2002.
"Harrod's Dynamics and the Theory of Growth: The Story of a Mistaken Attribution", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 25:1, January 2001
"Roy Harrod and the Committee of Inquiry into the Bodleian Question, 1930-1931", Bodleian Library Record, XVII:1, April 2000
"Keynes and Harrod on the Classical Theory of Investment. More on the Origin of the Only Diagram in the General Theory", Journal of the History of Economic Thought,2000.
"La razionalità come posta in palio. La dinamica di Harrod tra oblio e omologazione", Economia Politica , 2000.
"La teoria del ciclo e della crescita di Roy Harrod", in M. Baranzini and others, Corso di economia politica II, Lugano: Università della Svizzera italiana, 2000 .
"On the Spread of an Idea: The Strange Case of Mr. Harrod and the Multiplier", History of Political Economy, 2000.
"Harrod on the classification of technological progress. The origin of a wild-goose chase", Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review , 1999.
"Failing to Win Consent. Harrod's Dynamics in the Eyes of his Readers", in G. Rampa, L. Stella and A. Thirlwall, eds., Economic Dynamics, Trade and Growth: Essays on Harrodian Themes, London: Macmillan, 1998.
"Harrod and the 'Time-lag Theories of the Cycle'", in G. Rampa, L. Stella and A. Thirlwall, eds., Economic Dynamics, Trade and Growth: Essays on Harrodian Themes, London: Macmillan1998.
"Harrod and the Oxford Economists' Research Group's Inquiry on Prices and Interest, 1936-1939", Oxford Economic Papers, 1998
"Statics and Dynamics in Harrod's Trade Cycle", Review of Political Economy 1997.
"Roy Harrod and Traditional Theory", European Journal for the History of Economic Thought 1997.
"An Additional Note on the Harrod-Keynes Correspondence", History of Political Economy 1996.
Roy F. Harrod, "An Essay in Dynamic Theory (1938 Daft)", edited by D. Besomi, History of Political Economy 1996.
"Introduction to 'An Essay in Dynamic Theory': 1938 Draft by Roy F. Harrod", History of Political Economy 1996.
"From The Trade Cycle to the 'Essay in Dynamic Theory'. The Harrod-Keynes correspondence, 1937-1938", History of Political Economy 1995.
"Roy Harrod: la dinamica del Trade Cycle e la Teoria Generale", Storia del Pensiero Economico Moderno 1993-1994
"Roy Harrod, la concorrenza imperfetta e la possibilità di una teoria dinamica", Studi Economici , 1993.