Bibliography of specialized dictionaries in economics and related disciplines
please submit bibliographic information concerning economic dictionaries not included in these lists.
Chronological bibliography of economic dictionaries
Bibliography of economic dictionaries, by editors
Bibliography by language (chronological):
Bibliography by language (by compiler)
Bibliography by size (chronological)
- less than 300 pages
- 301-600 pages
- 601-1000 pages
- more than 1000 pages, or 2-3 volumes
- 4-5 volumes
- 6-8 volumes
- 9 or more volumes
- unpaged, or pages not indicated
- electronic editions
Bibliography by kind (chronological)
- Social sciences, with economic entries
- General economics (economics in a very broad sense)
- Political economy (leaning more on the professional side)
- Politics (with economic entries)
- Economics and law
- Economics and business
- Commercial dictionaries
- Economics and practical arts
- Economics and finance or banking
- Economics and statistics
- Economics and administration
- Sub-disciplines and thematic (e.g., Marxian economics, Post-Keynesian, etc.)
- Biographical
- Specific countries
Economic dictionaries on the web
Other online bibliographies
- Technologisch-ökonomische Lexika von der Neuzeit bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts (very rich bibliography of dictionaries of the economy and practical arts, chronologically arranged, from 1540 to the end of the nineteenth century)