Online encyclopedias, dictionaries and glossaries of economics and related subjects — non-English

(This list is under construction and still very incomplete. Please let me know any noteworthy missing dictionaries)

For dictionaries in English go here


Economics and political economy

Dizionario economico @ Simone, dizionari online. Thousands of terms (several of which, however, not specialistic), defined in a few paragraphs, with cross-references. Includes biographical entries.

Glossario di economia e finanza @ Over 2000 terms (in Italian, with English equivalent: alphabetized both in Italian and in English) briefly defined

Glossario economico @ wikipedia. List of economics, business and financial terms, very briefly defined, for which there is an entry in Wikipedia (to which, of course it links).

Business, finance etc.

Glossario @ Virgilio economia e finanza. Very brief definitions of a few hundreds of terms. English original terminology, in particular relating to finance, is retained, but explanations are in Italian.

Glossario finanziario, a cura di Concetto di Luciano. About 300 terms, briefly defined.

Glossario: dizionario dei termini in uso nei mercati anglosassoni @ il faro finanziario. More than 300 financial terms in English briefly defined in Italian.

Glossario dei fondi, @ About 300 term, most of which in English, briefly defined.

Da «approvvigionamento monetario» a «valuta». Glossary of about 100 terms concerning central banking, money and monetary policy, produced by the Swiss National Bank. Also in German, French and English


Economics and political economy

Gablers Wirtschaftlexikon (in German, 2012. Over 25’000 words. Aimed both at the general public and at students, the definitions of terms and discussions of subjects are precise without going much in depth. The Lexikon offers an articulated editorial apparatus).

Von «Aktiengesellschaft» bis «Zins». Kleines Lexikon der Schweizerischen Nationalbank. Glossary of about 100 terms concerning central banking, money and monetary policy, produced by the Swiss National Bank. Also in Italian, French and English


SES, the site of the Sciences Economiques et Sociales of the ENS in Lyon maintains a page of links to economic dictionaries, mostly in French.

Economics and political economy

Dictionnaire en ligne d’Alternatives Economiques. An augmented and interactive version of L’Economie de A à Z, by Denis Clerc, the founder of the review Alternatives Economiques. Aims at giving brief definitions as neutral as possible of almost 3000 terms, which are, however, coupled with a commentary with critical appraisals. Articles are cross-referred, regularly updated (comments by readers are invited) and linked to articles previously published in the journal (the latter service is for subscribers only). Definitions and commentaries are not signed, but supervised by a team of economists andacademics.

Lexique by Le Monde Diplomatique. Brief definition of about 30 terms

Dico de l'éco @ faciléco. Mieux comprendre l’économie, site created by the French government. Brief definitions of about 120 terms.

Glossaire économique @ OECD Economics Department. About 200 terms, briefly defined

Dictionnaire/Lexique, by André Armand, aimed at high school students and udergraduates. Defines a few hundred terms, some in some detail, and gives biographical notices of more than 120 economists.

Lexique de sciences économiques et sociales, @ SES de l'Académie de Limoges. Brief definitions of about 500 terms.

Glossaire & biographies @ Melchior, a site of resourses for teaching economics and social sciences at high schools. In depth treatment of about 100 topics.

Notions @ BRISES (Banque des ressources Interactives en sciences économiques et sociales). 170 topics discussed alphabetically is some depth, for high school students.

EcoDico, video dictionary (59 topics) @ lewebpedagogique

A B C de la Banque nationale suisse. Glossary of about 100 terms concerning central banking, money and monetary policy, produced by the Swiss National Bank. Also in Italian, German and English

Statistics, social sciences, finance etc.

Définitions in the form of a glossary @ Institut National de l’économie et des études économiques — Definitions of the concepts most frequetly used in the system of public statistics. About 1300 terms (including economic ones), briefly defined, cross referred. Regularly updated.

Définitions @ the Centre d’observation de la société. Brief definition of about 40 entries.

Mots de la finance @ La finance pour tous (a pedagogical site on money and finance). In depth discussion of about 40 financial terms.

Dictionnaire financier @Actufinance. Over 200 entries, presented alphabetically or categorized under 15 headings, very briefly defined.

Dictionnaire économique @ Aiming at introducing common people to the language of finance by means of brief definitions of a few hundred terms.

Glossaire financier @ 606 terms briefly defined.

Dictionnaire financier @ About 200 entries, some defined very briefly, other in a detailed way.

Lexique @ Boursenligne: about 200 brief definitions.

Lexique de la bourse et de la finance : définitions boursières @ About 200 terms briefly defined.

glossaire financier @ Investir en bourse. 200 terms, defined and discussed in some detail.

lexique finance de Trader Finance: thousands of terms, defined in a few paragraphs.