Links for economists and historians of
economic thought
- Disclaimer : inclusion of links does not necessarily imply endorsement of the page contents.
- General
- Reference pages
- History of Economic Thought pages
- History
- Philosophy
- e-texts
- Archives
- Journals
- Textbooks and syllabi
- Working papers
- Miscellaneous
- Bill Goffe's Resources for Economists - Table of Contents
- The most comprehensive resources list for economists
- Inomics
- Search tool for economists, with job openings, directories etc.
- HES: Resources for HET
- by the History of Economics Society
- HES: Resources for History of Economics
- Kimao economics (a web browser dedicated to economics availableby downloading)
- The databases are updated automatically on a weekly basis.
- ESHET European Society for the History of Economic Thought
- Links for economists
- lists some resources
- WebEc - WWW Resources in Econom
- Bert Mosselman's History of Economics Internet References
- Web Links @ cepa
- Tilman Slembeck's Links for (Experimental) Economists
- Bookmarks for Economists
- by Dr. Gene Ellis & the Research Methods Class of the (EERC) MA in Economics Program, National University of 'Kiev-Mohyla Academy', Kiev, Ukraine
- Steve Hackett's Internet Resources for Economists
- Links for general applied economics, some with a special emphasis on environmental, natural resources, and ecological economics. Links are also provided for sites related to ecology, natural resources management, and "green" business and markets
- National Bureau of Economic Research
- resources for economists
- Dept. of economics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, New York University
- WoPEc - Electronic papers in economics
- Mauricio Villena's links collection
- Cowles Foundation Papers
- A guide to economic resources
- at (thanks to Shawn for pointing this out)
Reference pages
Bouckaert, Boudewijn and De Geest, Gerrit (eds.), / Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
History of Economic Thought pages
HET pages
- HET Documents
- Cours d'histoire de la pensée économique
- par François- Régis MAHIEU, Université de Versailles.Introduction, La pensée classique, La pensée néo-classique, les hétérodoxies autur de la socio-histoire, Notes et commentaires
- Centre d'Histoire de la Pensée Economique
- History of Economic Thought - cepa
- History of Economic Thought - Udayan Roy
- useful links, arranged by topic and author
- History of Economic Thought - Princeton Economics Institute
- short sketches, by author and topic
- History of Economic Thought - Brewer's course materials
- Anthony Brewer's course materials
- History of Economics
- Other History of Economic Though links
- by Mauricio G. Villena, Selwin College, Cambridge
- Eh.Net History of Economics Site
History of Economics Societies
- JSHET - Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
- History Of Economics Society
- ESHET European Society for the History of Economic Thought
Journals on-line
- Storia del pensiero economico (History of Economic Thought)
- MARSHALL studies bulletin
- Bulletin of the History of Economics Society
- The Bulletin was first published in 1979 and ran to eleven volumes (2 issues per year with the exception of volume 9, which only had one issue). Karen Vaughn (1979-1984) and William Thweatt (1984-1989) served as editors. The Journal of the History of Economic Thought, which was the Bulletin's successor, began with volume 12 in 1990. The online archive provides pdf files of all articles, announcements, reports, abstracts, etc. published in each issue of the Bulletin. These files can be read with Adobe Acrobat.
- Great Economists and Their Time
- Dead Economists Society
- Famous Economists' Grave Sites
- The
Peel page
Economist portraits
- Economists portraits (Samuels's collection)
- Economists Portraits (2)
- HALL_OF_ECONOMISTS (portraits 3)
- Economists postcards (portraits 4)
- Louisiana State University: Portraits of Famous Economists
- Kit Sims Taylor: Gallery of Economists: Pictures and Links
- Pictures of each of the economists discussed in Robert Heilbroner's The Worldly Philosophers, and relevant links. Developed in conjunction with a course.
- University of Illinois: Econometrics Hall of Fame
- Portrait Gallery of famous contributors to economics and statistics.
- Hak Choi: Photos of Great Classical Economists
HET books online
William J. Barber, A History of Economic Thought, first published in 1967
Economics and its definition
- Dupré, J. (1993) "Could There Be a Science of Economics?" Midwest Studies in Philosophy 18 363-378
- Definitions of Economics
- Political economy: definition
Mailing lists
- History of Italian economic thought - bibliography
- Museum of Money and Financial Institutions, by Martin Shubik
- History - The web site of the Insitute of Historical Research
- Resources for historians
- Perpetual calendar
- Historical text archive - search tool
- Spartacus: Encyclopaedia of British History
- History Channel
- Directory of Historical Resources
- Resources for historians
- More history resources
- Yahoo! Arts Humanities History
- Resources for economic historians
- Società Italiana Storici dell'economia. Wwith links to societies, hypertexts, software archives, papers, publishers, etc. (English)
- risorse per Storici dell'Economia
- Società Italiana Storici dell'economia. Wwith links to societies, hypertexts, software archives, papers, publishers, etc. (Italian)
- H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine
- Digitising History
- Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- philosophy in cyberspace
- index of philosophy sites 1
- index of philosophy sites 2
- A miniature library of philosophy
- extensive collection of e-texts on early and more recent epistemology, Marx& Engles, classical writings in sociology, foundations of mathematics, modern physics, psychology, orthodox and western marxism, structuralism and much more
- Ramsey
- The On-Line Books Page
- Digital library
- The Electronic Texts Collection: List by Author
- University of Adelaide
- Gallica - texts @ Bibliothèque
- The Making of America database
- full text and pdf images of a huge number of American books and journals, 1800-1925
- Les classiques des sciences sociales: liste des textes de la collection. Sociologie, anthropologie, psychanalyse, philosophie, économie politique
- National Register of Archives homepage
- by the Historical Manuscripts Commission. Searcheable database, listing archives of British authors.
- Archival Resources in the History of Economics
- History of Economics Society. Searcheable database
- Archival Collections, International Institute of Social Histor
- Includes Cole, Fabian Society
- Economists' archives - HES search site
- Archivio storico degli economisti - A guide to the Italian archives with materials on/by economists. The site includes biographical notices, portraits, etc.
- Archival Collections, Internat
- British Treasury archives
- Duke collections
- Special Collections, Uni. Chicago
- Harrod @ Nagoya Univ. of Commerce and Business Administration
- Economists' archives - HES search
- Archives, Trinity College, Cambridge (Sraffa, Robertson, Dobb, Sidgwick, Whewell)
- Haberler (Gottfried) Papers
- King's College, Cambridge / Kahn Papers
- King's College, Cambridge/Sheppard Papers
- King's College, Cambridge | Joan Robinson Papers
- King's College, Cambridge | J M Keynes Papers
- King's College, Cambridge | Kaldor Papers
- BLEPS: The collection of DALTON EDWARD HUGH JOHN NEALE 1887 1962 BARON DALTON POLITICIAN held at the British Library of Political and Economic Science
- Archives: Dalton, Edward Hugh John Neale
- BLEPS: Archives: Royal Economic Society
- BLEPS: Archives: Cannan, Edwin
- BLEPS: Archives: Meade, James Edward
- Nuffield College
- Haberler (Gottfried) Papers (Hoover Institution)
- The collection of RES held at the British Library of Political and Economic Science
- Irving Fisher papers, Yale
- WebEc - The List of Economics J ournals
- Economic Journals on the web
- EconLit - list of journals indexed by the Journal of Economic Literature
- On Line Journals
- 18th & 19th century journals on line
- Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Gentleman's Magazine, Notes and Queries, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
- Journals database
- The European Journal of the His
- Studi Economici
- Review of Economic Studies >199
- MARSHALL studies bulletin
- Journal of Evolutionary Economi
- Journal of economic issues
- Journal indexes
- Journal Hist Ec. Thought
- Bulletin of the History of Economics Society
- The Bulletin was first published in 1979 and ran to eleven volumes (2 issues per year with the exception of volume 9, which only had one issue). Karen Vaughn (1979-1984) and William Thweatt (1984-1989) served as editors. The Journal of the History of Economic Thought, which was the Bulletin's successor, began with volume 12 in 1990. The online archive provides pdf files of all articles, announcements, reports, abstracts, etc. published in each issue of the Bulletin. These files can be read with Adobe Acrobat.
- Journal Econ Education
- HOPE Index 1984-1994
- History of Political Economy
- History of Economics Review
- Heterodox Journals
- economist
- Economic articles list
- Cambridge Journal of Economics
- Cambridge Journal of Econ-2
- JSTOR Journals Currently Available
Textbooks and syllabi
- Online economics textbooks
- Introductory Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Game Theory, Public choice
- Course Syllabi in the history of economics
Working papers
- Nuffield College working papers in economics
- Working papers in Growth theory @ Jonathan Temple's page
- Encarta - search through journals (Electric Library Personal Edition)
- Biographical resource
- Hal Varian's page (Michigan)
- Economist Jokes
- ERAweb: economic essays, Australian economy essays, macroeconomics and microeconomics
- Resources for students and researchers: essays, economic textbooks, Australian statistics
- Winners of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
- Encyclopedia of Law and Economics
- History of Science Society
Schools of thought individuals themes
Last updated: 3 May 2007