Links for economists and historians of
economic thought
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Alphabetical list of links to individual economists
- Machlup
- Malthus
- Mandeville
- Marshall
- Martineau
- Marx
- Meade
- Carl Menger
- Karl Menger
- Mercier de la Rivière
- James Mill
- John Stuart Mill
- Millar
- von Mises
- Mirabeau
- Mitchell
- Modigliani
- Morgenstern
- Mun
- Sargent
- Say
- Schelling
- Schmoeller
- Schumpeter
- Sen
- Senior
- Shackle
- Simiand
- Simons
- Sismondi
- Smith
- Spencer
- Spiethoff
- Sraffa
- Steuart
- Stiglitz
- Amasa Walker
- Walras, Léon
- Walras, Auguste
- Sidney and Beatrice Webb
- Wicksell
- Wicksteed