Links for economists and historians of
economic thought
- Disclaimer : inclusion of links does not necessarily imply endorsement of the page contents.
Schools of
Links on Mercantilism , Mandeville , Physiocracy and Natural Law
General pages
- Mercantilism (Encyclopædia Britannica)
- Mercantilism Princeton Economic Institute History of Economic Throught
- short site (not much in it)
- Mercantilism reappraised, by Muireann A. Kelliher
- In this essay, Muireann A. Kelliher revisits Mercantilism and argues that the theories and policies of the time were a rational response to the prevailing economic conditions and in fact led to the circumstances upon which classical theory grew
- barbon - Biography (new Palgrave)
- Botero - biography (Pantaleony, New Pal)
- Aubrey: Petty - biography
- Davenant - biography
Secondary Literature
Texts (mercantilists)
- Botero - greatness of Cities
- Botero - cities (Alt UK)
- Petty - taxes
- Petty - political Aritmetik
- Petty - Quantulumcunque
- D'Avenant - essay on east-india trade
- Child - Observations concerning trade
- North: discourses upon trade
- Barbon - a discourse of trade
- Barbon - discourse on trade (alt1)
- Barbon - trade (alt2)
- Law - Mé koire pour prouver
- McKay: the mississipi scheme
- Mun - treasure.txt
- Law - Money and trade considered
- Misselden -freetrad.txt
- Mandeville Bibliography (Prior)
- Hutcheson on the Fable of the Bees
- mandeville
- CEPA profile page
General pages
- Physiocrats & the Impot unique
- Zhang & Sicilian: physiocrats page
- cepa Dupont de nemours
- cepa: Mirabeau
- cepa: Quesnay
- cepa: Mercier de la rivière
- Les Classiques des sciences sociales: François Quesnay, 1694-1774
- With links, texts (including the Le Droit Naturel. (1765), Tableau Economique. (1766)), plus secondary literature
- Quesnay - droit naturel - 1765.
- Quesnay: Tableau, 1758
- Quesnay - tableau, 1759
- Quesnay, tableau 1766
- Quesnay, Economie animale, 2e ed. 1767
- Quesnay bibliography by George Zizka (Bristol)
- Quesnay portrait
- litograph quesnay
- Quesnay - Biographie.
- Biographie de Dupont de Nemour (Fr)
Secondary literature
Natural Law
General pages
- Natural Law and Natural Rights
- By James A. Donald
- Natural Law (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Natural LAw @ cepa
- Natural Law (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- The Basis of Natural Law
- by Roderick T. Long. This article was published in the Winter 1996-97 issue of Formulations, a publication of the Free Nation Foundation
- Thomas Hobbes and the Invented Tradition of Positivism by James Boyle
- This is an essay about the legal theory of Thomas Hobbes and about the things that are revealed when one compares Hobbes's ideas with the main line of legal positivism
- Hobbes's argument
- Chris Bertram's Political Philosophy Lectures 1999-2000
- Thomas Hobbes (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- John Locke (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Pufendorf (Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy)
- Origin of property: Grotius, Pufendorf, ...
- Locke's "A Letter Concerning Toleration" (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
- Locke on interest by raising value of money
- Locke: Essay human understanding
- Hobbes: Natural LAw
- Hobbes: Leviathan
- Grotius Index @ Macmaster
Biographies & bibliographies
- Hobbes - Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy
- hobbes/life
- John Locke (1632-1704), The Philosopher of Freedom.
- @ Blupete. Biography, Locke's view on human nature and on the government
- Published Works of John Locke
- Locke - Selected primary works on economics.
Secondary literature