Links for economists and historians of economic thought, by Daniele Besomi


Links for economists and historians of economic thought

Disclaimer : inclusion of links does not necessarily imply endorsement of the page contents.


Schools of thought

Links on the trade cycle (general pages, political business cycle, real business cycles, sunspots and business cycles, psychological theories, statistics etc.), non-linear dynamics, the Austrian School on the business cycle, Kondratieff and the long waves, Kuznets, Tugan-Baranowsky, Lowe, Spiethoff, Mitchell, Juglar, Aftalion, Wicksell, Simiand, Fisher


Business Cycles


Business Cycle Volatility & Economic Growth
Several working papers on this topic, @ Loughborough University
Notes for the Symposium on Business Cycles
Abstracts of: Romer, "Changes in Business Cycles: Evidence and Explanations." Susanto Basu and Alan Taylor, "Business Cycles in International Historical Perspective". Victor Zarnowitz, "Theory and History Behind Economic Changes of the 1990s".
CEPA page: a classification of trade cycle theories, with links to some of the categories and of the authors
ECRI - Economic Cycle Research Institute
O. M. Amos: Growth Pole Cycles: Chapter 2: Cycles and spirals
On the theories of the cycle
Consensus - How To Ride Cycles
outline of Juglar, Kondratieff, Kitchin etc. cycles
Economic Spotlight - What is the business cycle (pdf file)
The General Glut Controversy (cepa page)
Underconsumption Theories @ cepa
Victor Zarnowitz - Has the Business Cycle Been Abolished?


Crises, Depressions) Underconsumption, Overinvestment
Asymmetry of Economic Time Series, 1825 - 1993 (
Brief literature Survey 1825 - 1993

Political business cycle

Political business cycle and Central Banks (pdf)
Salvatore Pitruzzello. On the German governments and the Bundesbank, 1960-1989
See also: Kalecki

Real Business Cycle theories

Real business cycles
(excerpt of a Econlit search, 1998)
Shocks or Cycles: Austrian and Real Business Cycle Theory
John P. Cochran and Steven T. Call, Metropolitan State College of Denver
Exogeneity Unveiled: A Critique of the Dynamical Foundations of New Classical Macroeconomics*
by Ghassan Dibeh, Department of Economics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78713. This paper discusses and critiques different exogenous business cycle theories (RBC, Lucas,..) on both the analytical and foundational grounds.


The Stock Market, Oil Price Shocks, Economic Recessions and the Business Cycle
by Edward Renshaw, Professor of Economics, State University of New York at Albany. With data on almost everything one may wish to know about the US business cycle
Empirical Evidence on the Austrian Business Cycle Theory - James P. Keeler
(abstract only. in Review of Austrian Economics, 2001)
Phase of Business Cycles, Australia 1951 - 1997
table with dates and duration
U.S. Business Cycles: Expansions and Contractions, 1861-1918
Table with length of US trade cycles
NBER - Business cycles, expansion and contractions
Dates and duration of US business cycles, 1854-2001, with averages 1854 to 1919, 1919 to 1945, 1945 to 1991 and 1854 to 1991
NBER, dating procedure
Historical Evidence on Business Cycles: The International Experience
This paper examines the characteristics of business cycles within and across thirteen countries for more than a century of observations adopting a monetary regime perspective.

Psychological theories of the business cycle

Psychology and economic fluctuations: Pigou, Mill and Keynes
by Melberg, Hans O. (1998)

Miscellanous on trade cycles

WALKER, Amasa (1799-1875) Biographical Information

David Laidler - Remedies for financial crises in the classical and neoclassical literature

Non-linear dynamics

chaos and fractals - a bibliography
March 16, 2001 Jeff Dunham


The Austrian School on the business cycle,

Empirical Evidence on the Austrian Business Cycle Theory - James P. Keeler
(abstract only. in Review of Austrian Economics, 2001)
Shocks or Cycles: Austrian and Real Business Cycle Theory
John P. Cochran and Steven T. Call, Metropolitan State College of Denver
G. Haberler: Money and the Business Cycle
essay originally published in Gold and Monetary Stabilization (Lectures on the Harris Foundation), Quincy Wright, ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1932)
R. W. Garrison: The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle, Introduction
L. von Mises: The Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle
originally published as "La Theorie dite Autrichienne de Cycle Économique," in the Bulletin of the Sociéte Belge d'Etudes et d'Expansion (1936): 459-64. It was translated from the French by David O'Mahoney and J. Huston McCulloch
Rothbard: Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure
originally published as a minibook by the Constitutional Alliance of Lansing, Michigan, 1969
F. A. HAyek: Can We Still Avoid Inflation?
lecture before the Trustees and guests of the Foundation for Economic Education at Tarrytown, New York on May 18, 1970
R. W. Garrison: The Austrian Theory of the trade cycle: A Summary
Garrison: The Austrian Theory of the Business Cycle in the light of modern macroeconomics
Review of Austrian Economics, vol. 3

Nikolai Kondratieff and Long waves

Kondratieff and long wave theory
Amos: Growth Pole Cycles: Chapter 3: the Long-wave
On MArxist long-waves, Kondratieff, Schumpeter's innovation theory, van Duijn, theory
Introduction to the Kondratieff long-wave theory
by Eric Von Baranov
Long Waves, Kondratieff
With several links and bibliography related to Long-Wave Theories of Development. By Gunter Krumme
Long waves: Annotated Bibliography &endash; Books, Journal Articlse and Book Reviews
by James T. Corredine
The Long Wave Center
page under construction. Its mission is to present the basic materials relating to the Long Wave of Economics as described by Nikolai Kondratieff, several predecessors and contemporaries, and some who followed.
Kondratieff Wave
Henri Lepage : le cinquième Kondratieff, résumé
La fin de ce siècle correspond au point bas de la dernière phase d'un cycle de Kondratieff descendant. Les premières années du prochain siècle devraient donc coïncider avec une nouvelle phase ascendante du cycle long.
by George Modelski, @ The Evolutionary World Politics Home Page.
Kondratieff Wave
Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies
Joseph A. Schumpeter Page
The Kondratieff Wave
The long wave and the war, @ Timesizing® America
Kondratieff Long Wave Cycle
Kondratieff's Long Wave Cycle vs Stock Market Cycles, by Terry Laundry
The Kondratieff Wave
Works of Nikolai D Kondratiev published by Pickering & Chatto
The Kondratiev Cycle and Secular Market Trends
by Mike Alexander
The Kondratieff Bubble - by Chetan Parikh
The marvellous clock of the long business cycles was discovered, shaped and designed by Nicolas Kondratieff, a brilliant Russian economist in 1925. The sinuous oscillations that plot the heartbeats of economic activity have historically recurred in 3 long
GOLD AND THE LONG-WAVE ECONOMIC CYCLE. Talk given at the Babe-Bolyai University, School of Business Administration, Sf. Gheorghe, Romania, on May 2, 2001
El cicle llarg de Kondratieff: som a les portes d'un nou «crac»?.
by Luis Sandoval Ramírez, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
The Kondratieff Wave
by Peter Eliades, Stockmarket Cycles
Long Waves, Kondratieff
Long-Wave Theories of Development. Several links to long waves and Kondratieff sites
3 -Le début d 'un cinquième Kondratieff ?
links on Kondratieff and the 5-th wave
Marxism and the theory of 'Long waves'
by Alan Woods, London, 14/11/2000, @ Trotsky-net. With a number of on-line references
The Class Struggle and the Economic Cycle, by Alan Woods
Longwaves in Socioeconomic Growth and Development
Jim Corredine. A huge collection of links on long waves and Kondratieff
Dassbach - Entrepreneurial Motivation and the Clustering of Innovations: A Reconsideration of Schumpeter'sTheory of the Kondratieff cycleof the Kondratieff Cycle
This paper maintains that Schumpeter's theory of the Kondratieff Cycle or long wave has been plagued by two misinterpretations, 1) the clustering of


Aftalion conference
The Aftalion-Clark Accelerator (cepa)
Aftalion (Cepa)

Simon Kuznets

Simon Kuznets
short biography, with very essential biblkiography
Kuznets page @ Nobel Laureates (1971)
Simon Kuznets (entry @
Obituary of Kuznets
Boston Globe Online, 11 July 1985
Moses Abramovitz dies
Obituary, @ Stanford Report, 13 December 2000
Simon Kuznets (page at CEPA)
Kuznets page at Laura Forgette

Wesley C. Mitchell

Wesley Clair Mitchell (Cepa page)
Mitchell, Wesley Clair
entry at Columbia encyclopedia
Mitchell, Wesley Clair (Encarta)


The Development of Business-Cycle Theory in the German language area 1900-1930
by H. Hagemann, in Storia del pensiero economico, 37, 1999. Discusses Tugan-Baranowsky, Spiethoff, Wicksell, Lowe and Hayek.
Los fundamentos teóricos del Marxismo, para Mijail Tugan-Baranowsky


The Development of Business-Cycle Theory in the German language area 1900-1930
by H. Hagemann, in Storia del pensiero economico, 37, 1999. Discusses Tugan-Baranowsky, Spiethoff, Wicksell, Lowe and Hayek.


Clement Juglar @ History of Economic Thought - cepa
Des Crises commerciales et leur retour periodique en France, en Angleterre, et aux Etats-Unis, 1862
(full text, to be downloaded)
Encyclopedia entry - Espanol
Juglar - Listes Des Publications Et Des Titres
Centre Walras-Pareto - Université de Lausanne
Centre Walras-Pareto - Université de Lausanne: Fonds Juglar
The papers of Clément Juglar deposited at the Centre Walras-Pareto

Adolph Lowe

Adolph Lowe @ cepa
The Development of Business-Cycle Theory in the German language area 1900-1930
by H. Hagemann, in Storia del pensiero economico, 37, 1999. Discusses Tugan-Baranowsky, Spiethoff, Wicksell, Lowe and Hayek.


M. Boianowsky: Wicksell, Cassell, and the idea of involuntary unemployment
The Development of Business-Cycle Theory in the German language area 1900-1930
by H. Hagemann, in Storia del pensiero economico, 37, 1999. Discusses Tugan-Baranowsky, Spiethoff, Wicksell, Lowe and Hayek.


François Simiand (1873-1935), Les fluctuations économiques à longue période et la crise mondiale (1932)
François Simiand (1873-1935), Sociologue et économiste français
Page at Classiques_des_sciences_sociale: With links and lots of texts

Irving Fisher

Tobin: "Fisher, Irving (1867-1947)" [New Palgrave entry]
Irving Fisher: Stamp Scrip; 1933; Content

Schools of thought


Last updated: 14 May 2003